Sunday, June 1, 2008

Shakedown Cruise - One Week to Go!

This weekend I am at Cruso practicing my wilderness computing skills. No WiFi! I have a feeling this is going to happen a lot on my trip to Alaska, so what better place to practice than in the wilds of North Carolina. The process will go something like this: type daily entries into a Word document and then cut and paste them into the blog whenever I can find a connection. If you are reading this the process works. I am on a shakedown cruise to perform one final check of my equipment before I leave next week. Also, I had a new front tire put on and will ride about one hundred miles to scuff in the tire before I leave.
This week I will clean and pack the bike for the trip. My next entry will probably be next Sunday. After that, check back often for entries from the road!


Anonymous said...

Hallo Kurt, danke für die Karte mit Deinen Internetauftritten und diese Adresse, ich bin begeistert und werde Deine tolle Reise beobachten! Danke für den Lipbalsam! Viele liebe Grüße von Deiner Miecke

Arlo Nugent said...

The countdown is on! Good luck!
