Saturday, February 9, 2008

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my new blog! I have finally been convinced to move from print media to the web. This being my first entry don't expect much. Let's just say I have been touring Europe and the North American continent for years and plan on doing much more in the future. I spend most weekends riding in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I am a teacher, so I have my summers free. Last year I toured Ontario and Quebec as well as several states in the U. S. I will post a report on that trip soon and try to keep you up to date on the plans for my Alaska trip planned for June and July of this year. Stay tuned (even if this entry bored you to tears!).


Anonymous said...

Great Idea! I'll be checking for updates!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,
Mama und ich hängen vor dem Computer und sind begeistert!!! Du siehst so cool und sexy aus! Wir sind stolz auf unseren Onkel/ Schwager aus dem wilden Texas!!
Love, Jule und Miecke