The weekend of August 25 - 27, 2017 I spent at the Kickstand Lodge in Stecoah, NC. Kickstand Lodge (KSL) is a unique place. It is campground operated by riders for riders. It leans slightly toward the "American Iron" crowd, but all are welcomed heartily. Besides Mo, the owner, the best feature of KSL is its location. It is truly some of the best motorcycling in the United States. Some people save up to spend a week or two in the area and I am lucky to live eighty miles from this outpost. Nearby is the famed "Tail of the Dragon". A little secret here. We send tourists to the Dragon so we can have all the better roads to ourselves!
Highest Elevation on the Blue Ridge Parkway |
On the way to KSL I rode the Blue Ridge Parkway from Asheville to Cherokee. It was a nice day and I was in no hurry. I passed by the Highest point on the Parkway. I've been here many times, but always have to stop for a photo.
Brunhilde at Waterrock Knob |
Here is Brunhilde (my bike's name) at Waterrock Knob. I have ridden this ol' girl to the Arctic Circle and the Yucatan in Mexico. She's been in 46 states.
Deal's Gap before the circus begins |
Saturday Morning I woke up early and rode over to Deal's Gap. It was early and the squids were not out yet.
Lunch in Franklin |
Around noon I decided to stop for a gourmet lunch in Franklin. After lunch I thought I would make a leisurely ride back to KSL. Alas, it was not to be. I saw an interesting road to the left off of Highway 28 (the Moonshiner road). After about 5 miles the road became gravel. No big deal, but this gravel road went straight up to a ridge via hairpin curves and straight down via hairpin curves. Most of the hairpin curves were basically sand. Not a favorite road surface of mine.
Somewhere in Western North Carolina. |
I made it back to KSL (obviously) and enjoyed an evening of Mo and Bobby's cooking and socializing with the other riders.
The Sunday morning ride home was uneventful. It usually is.
Next post will be up next week and it will cover the Horizons Unlimited North Carolina Traveler's Meeting. Stay tuned!