Last night in Fairbanks they had the annual Midnight Sun Fun Run. The race went right by the campground I was stay at. These photos were taken at about 11:00PM. Today I left Fairbanks with fairly decent weather. The ride through Denali National Park was very nice. After that (you guessed it) the weather turned cold and rainy.

So much so I found a hotel for the night. Tomorrow I will give Brunhilde a well deserved oil change. I wanted to have a new rear tire mounted, but Barb’s tire guy broke down in Dawson and will not be able to mount the tire until after 6:00PM. I am getting a case of get-home-it is so I will skip the tire change. It really doesn’t need to be changed I just wanted new rubber for the trip home. I know this tire will last until I reach the lower 48, but I’ll have to see after that. Oh well, enjoying the luxury of a Super 8 tonight, tomorrow I will be homeward bound!
Hey Kurt. Endlich habe ich Trottel begriffen wie das Blog funktioniert. Mensch,das ist ja toll, du bist ja schon am Ziel gewesen und jetzt auf der Heimreise. Ich wünsche dir viel besseres Wetter dafür! Die Alaska Bilder sehen großartig aus. Es muß eine tolle Naturlandschaft sein. Das Rohr über der Strasse, ist das die Alaska Pipeline ? Wahrscheinlich. So was stellt man sich immer viel gigantischer vor.
Na dann man weiterhin gute Fahrt. Und denk auch an die Hämmorrhoiden! Immer schön Hirschhorntalg auf die Rosette, sonst schaffst du es nicht bis nach Hause. Gruß von Antje und Klaus
ok--I am trying to comment again:
congratualtions! you did it! Now all you have to do is get back--hope the weather will look more kindly upon you...
For other readers: check out Kurt's photo gallery on smugmug (you'll find the link in the upper right hand corner of his blog...there are cool pictures you don't want to miss.
Love, Tine
Now I know where Arlo got his
love for adventure from. Keep it up:)
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